Book = Source of Knowledge
Key = Strive to Succeed
Green = Devotion to Religion
Purple = Symbolizing the Personal status of MDPMAMB
Yellow = Upholding the Nation’s Sovereignty
White = Virtuous and Serene
75 Grains of Padi = Establishment of MDPMAMB
well-rounded and balanced education for leaders of tomorrow
Towards a centre of exellence in Pre-University education
As a Pre-University institution, Maktab Duli is committed to provide its students with the best quality education through the expertise of its staff to fulfill national aspiration and meet global challenges
Information Technology and Publication
(IT-P) Committee
The Information technology and publication Prefects was first introduced to the MP's and Prefects system in March 2008. The first batch of IT-P prefects 2008/2009 consisted of 12 members. 6 Boys & 6 Girls whom each and every one have the knowledge and experience in Computing, Media and Publication.The IT-P prefects of 09/10, the second batch, consisted of 6 members, 3 Boys & 3 Girls and he third batch of IT-P prefects of 10/11 consisted of 7 members, 3 boys & 4 girls.
The New IT-P prefects of 2011/2012 consist of 7 members.5 boys and 2 girls. This year, in collaboration with IT-P prefects,The
Student Affairs have introduced the branch of Prefect of Photography to the system.
Our main duties or responsibilities are as follows:
• Prepare Backdrops and Powerpoint slides for every school event and control the slides.
• Producing Slideshow Videos
• In charge of the Over-head Projectors and Screen in the Auditorium
• Create a website for the prefects. (MD E-board)
• Create a newsletter / bulletin.( E-News)
• To take Pictures on every Event. (Photography)
• Help other commitees in any other event that involves computers and Audio system.
• Observe and advice those students who are breaking the rules in the ICT labs.
• Check the equipments that are in the ICT lab. E.g. OHP, Mac books, Desktop PC.
• AOB.
Bandar Seri Begawan - The Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Billah College yesterday initiated and hosted a briefing presented by Head of Admissions at the Carl Benz School, Dr Birgitta Kappes, who is in Brunei to meet prospective students for the programme.
Five other sixth form schools, Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan Science College, Katok and Meragang Sixth Form Centres, SMSO and SMSA, were invited to join the briefing. Established in 1825, the University Karlsruhe.
(TH) is a leading international institution providing education for prospective world-class engineers and scientists. It was among the first institutions in Germany to offer Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degree programmes taught in English.
Students from all countries are invited to join the Carl Benz School to become leaders in engineering, development and production of specialist goods. The Carl Benz School of Engineering is part of the International Department, an independent, legal entity and a non-profit organisation within the Universitat Karlsruhe.
Both educational establishments have created a matrix-like organisational structure to facilitate integration of scientific and technical infrastructures.
Students attending the talk
This interdependent association ensures that students of the Carl Benz School, like all students of the Universitat Karlsruhe, have close working relationships with exceptional German and international high-tech companies and numerous distinguished research institutes throughout the region and students of the Carl Benz School benefit greatly from these valuable contacts and generally carry forward the associations following the completion of their studies.
All the structures and facilities at the Universitat Karlsruhe are open to the Carl Benz School with high academic standards set and maintained by placing responsibility for degree programme contents and course implementation directly in the hands of the departments involved at the Universitat Karlsruhe.
Among the special qualities of Karlsruhe engineering programme include a broad combination of both theoretical knowledge and its practical application.
Its education concept has been running successfully since 1999 for young and highly qualified students from around the globe, with a view to staff development, industry partners use the opportunity to involve students in their respective corporate culture and periods of vocational adjustment, trainee programmes or orientation phases are held regularly throughout the study programme.
Other guests at the event
Since August 2008, six girls and three boys from the Sultanate have made their way into the German education system to meet the challenges of studying Mechanical Engineering at the Carl Benz School of Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
Dr Kappes will also be hosting a reception for Careers/ Higher Education counsellors, potential students and parents this evening at the Business Centre, 6th floor, Sheraton Utama Hotel in the capital. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin
The bags of garbage collected by volunteers at Jerudong beach
Brunei-Muara - A staggering 872kg of waste was collected in two hours at the Jerudong beach during a cleaning campaign yesterday.
Non-profit organisation The Beach Bunch gathered 148 volunteers from Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Billah College, Brunei Shell Marketing Company Sdn Bhd, Brunei Shell Ladies, Brunei Adventure Recreation Association (Bata), Brunei LNG (BLNG) and residents of Kampung Jerudong in the beach clean-up.
The waste was segregated into different categories for records and possible recycling; including 730kg of general waste, 140kg of plastic bottles, and 2kg of aluminium.
Sherlly Tanana, treasurer for The Beach Bunch, said the NGO was trying to create awareness about the importance of protecting the environment.
She said that it was encouraging to see the younger generation helping out and asking questions such as what were recyclables.
"It's good to see them inquisitive and caring about the environment.
She hopes that when people see it as a norm to see a clean beach, they will help to keep it clean on their own initiative.
"It feels good that we are doing something for Mother Nature," said 17-year-old Richard Carson, a Maktab Duli student involved in the beach clean-up.
Another student, Sherbini Husaini, 17, said: "I'm happy to know the beach is safer for people and animals, because even broken glass was found on the beach."
"Taking part in the clean-up was tiring but after seeing all the trash, I feel grateful that much of it was collected, said 17-year-old Nadia Suhaili, another Maktab Duli student.
Tang Siang Thai, a 19-yearold Maktab Duli student, said that there was a big difference before and after the clean-up. "I hope we do this often so that the beach can remain clean."
Another Maktab Duli students, Muhd Ashyiq Masri, 16, said that it felt liberating" to help clean the beach.
There were 110 Maktab Duli student involved in the cleaning campaign, while the remaining 38 volunteers were from the private companies, associations and the public.
The Beach Bunch was established last year with a mission to protect the beaches of Brunei from pollution. The group orchestrated a series of cleaning campaigns around beaches in Brunei-Muara District earlier last year. -- Courtesy of The Brunei Times
Mr Steven Denby presenting his talk at the workshop
Acting Principal speaking at the event
Bandar Seri Begawan - The Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Billah College yesterday held a one-day Shakespeare Day at the college's auditorium. The guest of honour was the Assistant Director of Inspectorate Department, Hjh Zarina Dato Hj Abu Zar.
Yesterday's event began with the recital of surah alFatihah and a welcoming note by Acting Principal Dyg Marina Chek Bujang who amongst all noted that literature studies are becoming increasingly popular in Brunei as more and more schools in Brunei are introducing the subject into the curriculum.
Yesterday was chosen as an appropriate day to hold the event as it significantly fell on Shakespeare's birthday in 1564 and co-incidentally, the day he actually died in 1616.
In his 52 years work, Shakespeare was believed to have written 36 plays, 154 sonnets and two poetic novels and has been the subject of countless books, articles and studies. It is said that on any given day somewhere in the world, a new work is published about him or his work.
The last 25 years has also seen his works translated into Arabic and Mandarin and some works can be found in Indonesian, thus instead of waning, his popularity level of interest in his work is increasing worldwide.
She further disclosed that as the year 2000 approached, a study was conducted to determine what had been humanity's greatest artistic achievement with thousands of prominent people were asked to nominate their favourite work of art, the one that best exemplified*the pinnacle of artistic and intellectual accomplishment.
In this study, winning the range of nominations that included Michelangelo's paintings in the Sistine Chapel, Leonardo's Mona Lisa, the Taj Mahal and others, was Shakespeare's Hamlet, a play believed to have been written in 1599 and was regarded as the peak of what we had achieved as an expression of who we are as humans.
Following the welcoming note, the event continued with a speech by the keynote speaker, Head of English, Literature and Drama Department at Jerudong International School, Mr Steven Denby. The morning's session concluded with workshops on 'Hamlet', 'The Tempest' and 'Twelfth Night'.
Later in the afternoon, students comprising literature students from several schools, performed stage performances on Shakespeare. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin
School Leaders from Cluster 6 Institutions (MDPMAMB,MSPSBS, TEM,PTEK,SMSO,SMSA) Visit to BLNG
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Bandar Seri Begawan - School Leaders from Cluster 6 Institutions (MDPMAMB, MSPSBS, TEM, PTEK, SMSO, SMSA) Visit to BLNG as Part of Cluster 6 Professional Staff Development Program.
Also in photo are staff of BLNG, Awg Hj MD Ayyub, HR Business Partner Lead, Awg Hj Jamal Hj Md Yassin HR Senior Admin Assistant, Awg Azlan Abd Aziz Head of External Affairs, Awg Masri Daud Head of IT, Infrastructure and Network, Dk Fifa, IT Dept. System Analyst and Nadirah Metusin, HR Graduate Dev. Trainee.
Pelajar Maktab Duli bergambar kenangan di Gua Niah.
Pelajar-pelajar sedang asyik melihat tumbuhan.
Pelajar sedang mendengar penerangan.
BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Rabu - Seramai 37 orang pelajar berserta guru pengawas Maktab Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Billah baru-baru ini melakukan ekspedisi menerokai Gua Niah Sarawak di dalam siri lawatan sambil belajar mereka.
Menurut seorang guru pengawas 'Environmental Friendly Club' maktab itu, lawatan seperti ini bertujuan untuk memantapkan lagi pengetahuan pelajar mengenai alam sekitar terutamanya persekitaran yang tidak terdapat di Negara Brunei Darussalam seperti hutan batu kapur dan gua besar seperti Gua Niah.
Di samping itu dengan mendekati alam sekitar juga diharap para pelajar akan lebih menghargai keindahan alam dan seterusnya akan berusaha untuk menyelamatkan bumi dari pencemaran dan kerosakan.
The first student-run, student-funded magazine called "College Portfolio" was among the many items on sale during the bazaar held by the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) of the Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Billah College (Maktab Duli) at the college's premises yesterday.
Publishers of the magazine, Zuratul Zulkifli and Syazwi Shahif, Upper Sixth students, decided to start the magazine because they wanted to build a good resume for their future. "We really wanted to start a business together and thought that publishing the magazine will look good in our resume, increasing our chance in getting a scholarship to study abroad," said the 18-year-old Zuratul. "I think this is also the first student magazine in Brunei to be funded and run by students themselves," Zuratul added proudly.
The termly magazine mostly covered events at the college as well as articles related to studying and social news. It also includes a review of universities in the UK so "students will not make the wrong choice" in choosing which universities to go to for further study.
On the subject of funding the magazine, Zuratul said that the "crew" raised the money themselves.
"We organised many activities to collect the money needed to publish the magazine," she said adding that for the first publication, they sold items they made themselves and also organised car boot sales to collect money.
They collected more than $1,000 to cover the printing and creative costs and produced 400 copies, ready for sale at an initial price of $6.90 each but reduced to $4 each to attract more buyers.
Other booths in the bazaar sold various items such as clothes, CDs, books and hand-made items. One of the most popular destination was the booth selling fruits and marshmallows dipped under a chocolate fountain.
"The bazaar aimed to strengthen the relationship between students, parents and teachers by getting them here and communicating with each other," said the college's Head of Sports Pg Hj Ali Shafie Pg Hj Abas. "I also hoped that the bazaar showed the students a glimpse of how it feels like to run a business as well as taught them how to work well in a team," he added.
The college's PTA will also be organising a car boot sale to be held at the school's car park from 8am to 4.30pm today.
The postponed Walkathon last year (due to the H1N1 virus) is finally here! Saturday, 10th April 2010, students arrived in the Gymnasium for registration and proceeded to field for aerobics to prepare for the walk.
Registration Aerobics. The Aerobic Instructor from Fitness Zone.
Ready, Set, WALK! Full of enthusiastic students! :D
Yesterday on the 5th of April a motivational talk was given by Cikgu Ali Yusri from bahagian kaunseling dan bimbingan bakat kerja to the AEs of Maktab Duli from 2pm till 4pm in the Auditorium.
Some of the Maktab Duli PMAMB's sites especially the eca clubs are restricted to the MD-ians only.
Therefore a password is acquired to get into the site. And please be reminded that the password will be reset/changed at every 2 months.